We are Agents of Change

Hmm!, Vicky played along and kissed me profusely moaning a bit and then bit my lip and tongue when she got hold of it. It hurt a little but it made my heart flutter so my kisses went from lazy to fiery and now we're making love again. Ahhhh!!! I don't want to get up and just lay with her all day long...

Butttt!!, ah, what time is it?, Vicky asked her hair disheveled and her make-up, eye liner washed up which made her face fully covered with stains. Ah, eight a.m!? I said still kissing her lips while she murmured about it.

Ayayaaay!, I need to be at the base for my flight test and I'm a bit dizzy, OMG!, I think I'm going to die today because of the wine and the sex!, It's ll your fault, Vicky laughing as she talked still kissing me while she stood up then walked to my closet and chose from the clothes I brought along with me. She chose a gray hoodie, fitted torn jeans, and my boots that I haven't even worn well maybe just once, but that's my favorite, so now it's hers. Well, everything that's mine is hers now, besides we're engaged??? Ah, fu.k!, we are definitely!, yup last night at the bar!, I thought going crazy but happy seeing my future wife running like hell for her test flight. Babe, you'll be fine, wait, I'll come with you, I added trying to help her wear my clothes. We ran to the hotels reception area to ask for a service car and it's perfect that there's one available. We were able to arrive at Vicky's base after 45 minutes of fast driving by one heck of a driver named Axel with long dread locks who sounded Jamaican. Cool, maaan! we're here!

Thanks, man! We will see you later, I added smiling and giving the driver a strange bump and hand shake which I just learned from him a couple of minutes ago, which makes me a Jamaican now, I even imitated how he spoke to me. Vicky was giggling and shaking her head with the thing I did with my fist and voice. Now I am Jamaican by the minute. I love it.

What!???, I said looking at Vicky with my mouth open.

I love you!, Vicky said kissing me again on the lips. She was running at the air force base and the grounds are very cool. There are several jet fighters and she went in their barrack locker as I waited outside the tarmac. Wow!, when Vicky went out, her air force uniform is iconic, very green and manly, but my girl looked so powerful. Her hair in a bun then she wore her cap and fixed her fitted dress. She is an epitomy of a decorated war hero and I am so proud of her.

Babe, wow, you look gorgeous!, I said while Vicky is still tying her boots and all. Are you okay and nervous?

No, I've done this many times, my head seemed okay and my mind is very sound. So I'm good, Vicky added smiling at me confidently.

See you later babe!

Okay, see you and good luck!, I shouted as she walked the tarmac to her jet plane. A couple of minutes came and Vicky is on it. Her plane started its engine and the ground police ordered she's okay to go. So she went slowly, then ran magnificently all through the way blasting off the ground with so much heat and fire from her jet fighter. The exercise consists of two jetfighters flying on and off grounds, then swirling and speeding up to check if the aircraft is the best fighter plane the air force can use for battle, for future wars of the U.S. fleet. Vicky along with her wingman, flew the jet smoothly then magnificently turned from side ways to circles up and down, which I myself would feel dizzy from if I was the pilot of the said plane. Anyway to cut the story short, Vicky did great and I think the wine got to her, she was fearless and oozing with power that she didn't care what happens when she flew the fighter.

Vicky was running towards me to hug me. She felt happy and though mentioned that her head is aching a bit because of the thin oxygen she breathed when flying on high altitude, it was worth the lives she can offer, for her country and the world. You need to teach me how to fly, wow!, you look so great up there and I couldn't take my eyes off how beautiful you fly that jetfighter, like you are dancing in the sky. My jetfighter dancer!, heeh!, I added kissing and hugging Vicky in delight and pride. Really!, thanks, I never thought of that until now!, If I'm that good then I'm that good, haha!, she added smiling endlessly.

Vicky!, congratulations!

Sam, thanks, you too, we did it!, Vicky said when Sam called her out and shaked her hand and Marnie's hand smiling at the couple.

No, what I meant was, congratulations for both of you, I heard you got engaged last night, Sam added smiling back at Marnie.

Oh, that, yeah, I didn't know what I was thinking but yes, I guess I am, now, haha!, Vicky joked and seeing Marnie's face changing moods, hugged and laughed kissing her on the forehead. Of course I am happy and so content with my wife here, Vicky said confidently and Marnie smiled her cheeks blushing now. Okay, I need to wash up and see you at the party, tonight?, Sam asked walking away from the two and waving goodbye.

Right, I'll check it out!, Vicky shouted then looked at Marnie with a serious face.

What?, Marnie asked then looked down. Babe, I was just kidding, but not when I said the wife part, I am excited to be your wife and I want you to be mine too, I hope soon, Vicky said pulling me close to her and hugging me tight. Now she is looking at me and then moved down to kiss me. Vicky is taller than me. She stands 5'10" and me, at 5'6" tall. We are a perfect match and I think perfect in our imperfections. And when we are together it doesn't matter whether we are heroes or game changers, we are just normal teen agers who lives, loves and enjoy life as it is. Thinking that we can make a difference and that we can change the world with the little talent or gift that were given to us and we're just making the best of it, taking advantage of the tiny power we are lent to make the change possible. And it just feels wonderful to be a hero and agent for change, now.