A tamed beast

"Father, Why?"

Ning Yue as a child, has gone through so many mannerism programs created by his father.

How to eat, how to walk, how to act, pay back kindness, and pay taxes.

And most importantly, how to control his inner violence.

"Before you throw a punch, tell yourself to stop; you are not going to win, don't do it, just give up. It inherited a bad thing to hurt other people."

Fangjie tries to engrave this way of thinking on his son.

But every time he does, it fails to no end.

"B-But, the cultivator does it all the time!"

Ning Yue argues.

"Because most people are not cultivators! And see? Trying to become one is bad because cultivators hurt people, making them bad!"

"What about self-defence? Is it bad? Like you kick off those thefts? Are you bad?"

"No… That's a different story; if they hurt you first or intend to hurt you, that was ok."

Fangjie speaks desperately, trying to make Ning Yue stop asking more questions.

"Then, if someone punches me first, it's ok for me to go ham!"

"No… Ning Yue, please. Don't twist my words, just go around asking for a punch so you can punch them back is not a good idea."

Fangjie never raises a son and lives all his life as a cultivator. Trying to teach his son a pacifist ideology is very hard.

He can't count how often he wanted to grab a stick and hit Ning Yue.

But using violence with his son will destroy all meaning of his teaching; that's why he has to sit down with his son for the past 5 hours.

"But I want to punch people! It's fun!"

Ning Yue innocently said it; he felt ecstasy when he threw a punch at that face kid.

"Punching people is bad! But maybe if you punch other things…."

Fangjie got some ideas.

"Follow me."

He leads Ning Yue to the jungle near their house before stopping at the edge.

"Why are we here?"

"I will teach you to control your anger; punch this tree."


Ning Yue walks up and punches the tree as his father said.



He immediately steps back and cries in tears; The pain from punching at hardwood is immense for a child.

"See, hurting is bad."

Fangjie patted his son's head. If he can't be the teacher, then let the pain be.


Ning Yue nods; the pain is so bad.

"Then, let's grab something to eat. You wait here; I will go hunt some animals."

Fangjie said to his son before venturing into the woods, leaving Ning Yue alone.

After his father left, Ning Yue watched his red fist that hurt from a tree, and a tree, which also broke a little bit.


Little Ning Yue inspects the tree bark that got broken and has goosebumps!

He clenches his fist and punches it again!


The crack on tree bark grew, as did the redness of Ning Yue's hand.

But he felt something, like a lingering feeling of power, pass through his body.



Once again, he felt it.





He repeatedly punches the tree again and again, and each time he punches, the pain in his fist starts to fade.

Hours later, Fangjie returns with a deer on his shoulder, but what he saw made him drop the deer.

"Ning Yue!! What are you doing?!"

He rushed in and stopped his son from punching the tree.

His son's fist is now bruised and full of blood, but a smile is on Ning Yue's face, not crying.

"Just punching trees, as you said. Father, look! I almost broke it!!"

Ning Yue proudly smiled and pointed at the tree meat that got punched an inch deep.

'I make a mistake!'

Ning Fangjie just realised he was teaching his son how to train!

"No, no, no, no-no. You must stop punching the tree ever again! Understand?"

"But why?"

"There is no why! No punching ever! Got it?"


"Let's get back home; I need to treat your wound."

After returning to the house, his father pulls some herbs and bandages out from under his bed and treats Ning Yue's wound like a professional.

"Wow, you're so quick!"

Ning Yue feels no pain at all!

"Heh, you have no idea how many times I have to do this."

Fangjie smiled proudly at his skill; he destroyed his own body more than he could count.

'Still, nothing changed.'

But even after that, he still can't reach the Earth Realm of cultivation.

As a 1 star, he reached the first realm of cultivation; the body purification realm is like a miracle.

He even got to the final stage of the realm, the core-forming stage.

But he didn't get there on his own; he had exceptional friends who helped him but didn't realize until they were gone.

Realize that he is just an ordinary person who got lucky.

After his friend leaves the sect for higher competition, his power never grows.

"Father, what's wrong?"

Ning Yue can see the sadness on his father's face.

"Nothing, it's just I worry about you. Please, Ning Yue, abandon the way of cultivation. Please, I beg you."

His father holds his hand firmly and starts to cry.

The sadness of realizing you are just a piece of garbage in this world is something he never wanted his son to feel.


Ning Yue can't understand why his father wants him to stop dreaming because he is still a child, but also because he is a child, he understands how much his father wants him to stop.

The feeling of desperation is so heavy that even Ning Yue starts questioning his dream.

"I understand now, father."

But This was the first time Ning Yue learned to lie.


Seven years have passed since that fateful day.

"This should be it! I finally can get some free time!"

Ning Yue, now at the age of 15, has grown a lot bigger; he stands at 6 ft (180cm) tall with his body still muscular more than ever and now is well-toned.

Behind him was a cart filled with rice; this was the final cart for him to deliver.

He has gone back and forth between the village and town for seven days, carrying a 300kg cart and rice by himself.

"Ning Yue, I wish you luck on your journey."

Ning Fangjie now has mysteriously shrunk down in size. His once giant figure is now as skinny as a hollow skeleton.

"Thank you, father."

Ning Yue watched his father in worry. He didn't know how this had happened.

For the past seven years, his father seems to become smaller and smaller, in contrast to his growing bigger over time.


The Azure moon city has expanded a lot in the past few years because new cultivators are joining the sects making the competition bigger. The bigger the competition, the bigger the city.

"Oh, Ning Yue! Is this the last batch?"

Old man Jian is the rice merchant who buys from the Ning family.

"Yes. But I have a question, uncle Jian: do you have any available job?"

After carrying the cart inside the barn, Ning Yue asked.

"Um… I already have enough workers, but I heard Qiao's inn lacks waiters because the regular staff got sick.

"Oh! Thank you, uncle Jian. But Can I leave the cart here? I will be back before sunset."

"Yes, absolutely, my lovely supplier. And don't forget this, 50 coins for this batch."

"I almost forgot! Thank you for reminding me, uncle Jian!"

"Good merchants always uphold their end of the bargain; that is why I'm still in business after 50 years!"

After getting the job recommendation, Ning Yue quickly grabbed the payment and ran to aunty Qiao's inn.

The Whisper Moon Inn.

"Oh! Isn't this my lovely farmer child? You grow!"

The beautiful tall lady in red qipao squishes Ning Yue's cheek like he was still a little boy.

"Hehe… Thank you for your compliment, Aunty Qiao."

"Oh no, no no, not aunty! Big sis~."

She boops his nose before stepping back and waiting to hear Ning Yue's correction.

"Big sis, Qiao…."

"Good boy~! Now, what business do you have with big sis today, hm?"

"I would like to apply for a job; I need money."

Ning Yue open up to Qiao.

"For what?"

Qiao seems surprised; she had known the Ning family for a long time, even being friends with his mother before passing.

And never for once do they need money.

"My father… My father is in very bad shape; I need money to hire a doctor to treat him…."

It had been two years since the last time his father accompanied him to the city.

And 5 years since Fangjie helped him carry a cart.

"I see… How much was it?"

"I don't know, but I heard the doctor's fee starts at 1000 coins. I saved up to around 200 but still needed more…"

For measurement, one meal at Whisper moon cost 3 coins.

But the rice only yielded 350 coins per season, and he still needed to buy seed and fertilizer and pay taxes, so the profit was very small, barely enough for both of them to not starve.

"I'm very sorry, Ning Yue, but I can't help you with that much money."

Qiao's inn is small with only 3 workers, 2 waiters, and 1 cook. She didn't have that many coins lying around to let someone borrow.

And because she is close with the Ning family, she knew they couldn't easily pay it back.

"Ok… but what about the job?"

Ning Yue asked for a job, which uncle Jian told him.

"That I can give you. I just started opening up a delivery service, but my old workers got sick, so my only workers need to work around the clock; you would be a great help! I will pay you 5 coins per order delivered."

Qiao only receives big orders from the sect around the city, so she can spare some change to pay for the Ning Yue service.

"Ok! So how do I do this?"

Ning Yue asked for an intrusion; he was new to this, so he knew he needed to ask.

"Just grab the food, bring it to the location, and get the money. Easy, right?"

"Yes! And where is the food?"

"Follow me~."

Big sis Qiao guided Ning Yue to the kitchen zone and gave him a bunch of wooden boxes with a note.

"Ma Clan, Cao clan, Moon sword sect."

Ning Yue read all three destinations before sighing because the Moon sword sect is where he made his past mistake of punching another kid unconscious.

"Good luck~!"

Qiao pat Ning Yue on the back before leaving.

Ning Yue packed the food in a wooden backpack and left on his journey.

The first destination is the Ma clan.

The Ma clan is located on the city's west side, close to a nearby mountain; they are one of the most powerful groups in Azure moon city.

"Here is a delivery from Whisper Moon Inn!"

Ning Yue shouted in front of the Ma clan entrance gate.

"Took you long enough."

One girl with jaded beauty snatched the wooden box from his hand.

"Sorry, one of the waiters got sick, so I'm a replacement."

The wooden box is quite heavy, so she must be a cultivator.

"Elder sixth almost came down from the mountain because of hunger. Next time, it would not go this smooth if you upset him again, got it?"


She then handed him 100 coins and left.


Ning Yue looks at the coins in his hand in shock! But he has finished his father's teaching, he has changed and is a good guy now!

"Next is the Cao clan…"

Cao clan didn't locate far; they were like neighbours to the Ma clan.

"Here is a delivery from Whisper Moon Inn!"

In front of Cao clan gates, Ning Yue once again shouted.

"Oh, finally! I almost died from hunger!"

One boy ran out and grabbed the wooden box with one hand.

"You quite big, bro! How do you get this big! What level of cultivation are you?!"

The boy stops and looks profound at Ning Yue's build.

"I'm just working out and doing hard labour. and I'm not a cultivator…."

Ning Yue felt like a sharp knife carving through his chest.

"Oh… that's too bad! Someone as big as you must have a gigantic dantian!"

"Cao Gui! What took you so long!!"

Before the boy can talk more, the older girl's sound flies across, filled with anger.

"Sorry, sister! The food just came; I will be in a hurry! Here's money, bye!"

Cao Gui quickly pays the money and runs back inside the clan.

"He sure is fast…"

Ning Yue can't even see his footstep, as expected from the difference between cultivator and commoner.

"And the last place, Moon sword sect…."

Ning Yue took a while before arriving at Moon sword sect, located in the middle of Azure moon city.

They are the crown jewel of this city; the strongest cultivator who didn't affiliate with any clan will join here.

"Here is a delivery from Whisper Moon Inn."

This time, Ning Yue didn't shout. Instead, he went to the guard and talked to them.

"Whisper moon inn, is that the famous one whose owner is very hot?"

"Yes! I remember her! Did you see her ass?! Damn! Why did she open an inn, not a brothel."

"Uh… can you help me find who ordered?"

"Yes, just wait here for a second."

The guard smiled and quickly walked back inside before coming out with one boy.

"Wait.... that face, that big body... it's you!"

The boy shouted and pointed at Ning Yue.


Ning Yue is confused. Who are you? Is it him?

"You don't remember?! You punched me here seven years ago!"

The boy roars in anger and walks in with murderous intent.

"Oh! I'm sorry, brother. I was naive then. Please forgive me for my mistake!"

Ning Yue quickly apologized for fear of getting attacked by the cultivator.

"Woah, Woah, calm down, kid. It is against the law to hurt someone outside, you know?"

Another guard blocks the boy's way before he can reach Ning Yue.

"Then I just need to get him in!"

martial power suddenly flows out of his body, making two guards miss timing.

Azure style, first form: Moon rising!

The boy's hand suddenly grows blue and flies to Ning Yue's face with incredible speed!


The force from the cultivator attack could easily kill normal people, but luckily Ning Yue is prepared.


Three of them can hear the cracking sound from the attack, and Ning Yue's body leans to follow the direction of the force.

"Ha! How that feel, you fucking weakling!"

"You stupid kid! I will tell the sect master for your crime!"

The guard quickly locked the boy's arms and arrested him back inside.

"Are you ok, boy?"

Another guard rushed in and checked Ning Yue's injury and saw a big red slap on his face and blood coming out of his nose and mouth.

"I-I'm ok…."

Ning Yue said quietly before standing up.

"But the payment…"

"I think this? That kid drops it after getting arrested."

The guard picks the money pouce off the ground and gives it to Ning Yue.


Ning Yue bows down to the guard and slowly walks away.

The pain on his face is unreal and almost unbearable. Every step he walks, he can hear his bone crackling in his head.

Back at the whisper moon inn.

"My goodness! What happened to you!"

Qiao rushes in and touches the wound on Ning Yue's face in worry.

"It's just an accident, don't worry… here is all payment."

Ning Yue gives her the money.

"No! It's not about the money now! Please sit down, let big sis help you."

Qiao runs back inside the Inn and back with the medicine box.

"Stay still, ok?"

Qiao bandages his wound carefully before letting him go.

"Here is the money. If you still want the job, you can always come back, ok?"

Qiao gave him money and the choice so he could refuse to come back tomorrow.

And also, whatever the reason for that wound is, she will find it!

"Thank you for your kindness, big sis Qiao."

Ning Yue bows to Qiao before leaving the Inn to get the cart back and go home.

Ning Fangjie opened the house door and immediately saw a bandage on his face.

"What happens?"

He slowly walks up to his son and gently places his hand on the wound.


Ning Yue brushes off his father's worry and walks back inside the house.

"Don't speak to your father like that! Didn't I already teach you this?!"

His father's anger makes him stop and turn back.

"It's just a normal accident, father. And Aunty, I mean big sis Qiao help me with the wound."

Ning Yue told his father a lie.

Which his father easily sees through it.

"Don't lie to me, Yue! I'm your father! And that wound is a wound from a cultivator attack. What happened?!"

Ning Fangjie demands the truth from his son.

The problem with a cultivator is not something both can afford in the current situation!

"Ok… Here's what happens."

Ning Yue told the story, starting from meeting with uncle Jian to bandages with big sis Qiao.

"Ning Yue, you don't need to worry about me. Just save money and spend it for yourself…"

Ning Fangjie can't be angry at his son after hearing the reason.

"Next time, don't lie to me. We only have each other, understand?"

"I understand, father."

Ning Yue sits still while lowering his face.

"Your father just grows old, that's it. Let's have dinner."

The Ning family dinner isn't glamorous at all; it is just plain rice and a slice of small animal meat with some crops such as carrots.

"Here, you should eat more to heal your wound."

Fangjie pushes his dish that got eaten so little to Ning Yue's side.

"You should have eaten more, father. You seem to eat less and less every year."

Ning Yue worries about his father's physique.

"Don't worry, old people, eat less and less, it is normal… I think I will go to sleep now, don't forget to lock the door."

Ning Fangjie slowly goes to the bedroom and lays on his bed.

Ning Yue continues eating but noticeably faster after his father says he will go to sleep.

'He asleep!'

Ning Yue smiles after seeing his father fully asleep, leaving the house and travelling into the woods.

A jungle is nearby, and inside there is a free space Ning Yue secretly built for himself.

The trees around here are broken, and the ones that didn't will have a trace of the attack.


Ning Yue strikes the trees with his furious kick, making the tree crumble in a single hit.

For the past seven years, he secretly trains his way to become a cultivator behind his father's back!

"1! ouch!"

He quickly falls to his knees because the shockwave makes his cracking skull ache.

"This pain…."

Ning Yue touches and presses his wound so the pain can rush through his vein.

"Yes! Yes!! This is it!"

He can feel something from it, the answer he lacks to become a cultivator!

"I need a strong opponent who can push me past my limitations!!!"

Under the moonlight, if someone is here, they will see it.

The smile of a maddening beast.