An Irritable Morning

Hearing this, Chen Yixue's expression suddenly became a little excited, and her eyes were even shining.

"W-what? What mission? Is there another war to be fought?"

Chen Yixue's face was filled with excitement as she stared at Su Ming with widened eyes. She could not help but ask.

When he heard her, Su Ming looked at her and rubbed the center of his brows in slight resignation. He said, "Is the only thing on your mind right now war?"

Chen Yixue's expression froze when she heard this, and she scratched her head in embarrassment.

"That's not true, Great Prophet...

"The main thing is that the war has just ended, and I'm afraid that something unexpected will happen again. Aren't we always on guard?"

Su Ming looked at her helplessly, but he did not expose her thoughts. Instead, he said, "I'm sorry to disappoint you, but our mission this time isn't to fight a war. It's about the same as when you were teaching the Orcs."