Request for a Contract

At the same time, a notification also appeared before Su Ming.

[This Turtle requests a contract to become your pet. Do you accept?]

Su Ming looked at the notification before him and was instantly stunned. A hint of shock appeared in his eyes.

This was the first time he had seen a pet initiate a contract with its master.

It might be an exaggeration to say that he had spent a tremendous amount of effort to tame Da Bai back then, but it had still taken him a lot of effort.

In his previous life, he had also heard of some examples of pets taking the initiative to request a contract.

However, those were basically all pets in the game. They could even be described as Divine Beasts.

However, this cute, ruffian-like Benben Turtle in front of him was wearing sunglasses and had the face of a Squirtle from the anime.

No matter how he looked at it, it did not look like a Divine Beast, right?