The Teleportation Gate Is Successfully Built

When Su Ming heard that, he nodded. There was a faint hint of excitement on his face.

The Dwarves were indeed the most dexterous race in the world.

They were the only ones who could possibly replace him and build such a mystical item.

Su Ming cast a glance at the portal shining with a mystical light before him. He knew that the other portal had probably been built as well.

Otherwise, the portal would not be in such a state.

With that thought in mind, Su Ming was about to step into the teleportation gate.

"Great Prophet! What are you doing?

"Wait a moment, Great Prophet!!"

Two cries of surprise immediately came from behind Su Ming, causing him to stop in his tracks instinctively. He looked at Dishan and Zelda with a slightly strange expression.

"What's wrong? Why are you in such a panic?"

Su Ming frowned slightly and asked in confusion.