
When Su Ming heard her words, he did not immediately answer her. Instead, he turned his head around and looked at his surroundings.

Sure enough, after he finished that action.

Those people who were originally eyeing Shen Yi covetously from all sides also immediately withdrew their gazes and no longer continued to look at Shen Yi.

When he saw this, Su Ming quirked his eyebrows in satisfaction.

His actions were all seen by Shen Yi. A faint smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, and Shen Yi rebuked, "You just said you wanted to treat me to a meal, but you finished my milk tea the moment we met. Su Ming, you're really something."

When Shen Yi said this, her expression seemed to be a little angry.

However, if one were to listen carefully, one would not be able to hear any displeasure in her voice. Instead, there was a faint teasing tone.