Display of Might

"This is the best condition i can offer you. Clan Leader Dugu, you have to consider it carefully."

Su Ming's voice was clear and bright, but when Dugu heard his words, her expression changed.

He did not even try to hide the threat in his voice when he said that.

He looked as if he was going to attack Dugu's tribe if Dugu did not agree.

Dugu's expression changed slightly. She suddenly leaned back in her chair, and a faint bitter smile appeared on her face.

"Do I still have a choice?"

In truth, when the martial arts practice ended, she already had no room to bargain with Su Ming. That was a fact.

When Su Ming heard Dugu's words, a faint smile appeared on his face, but he did not say anything.

After Dugu said this, she seemed to have suddenly thought of something and said, "The grand plan you gave me is actually not too bad for our tribe."