Another World

Su Ming only gave a light pull and Shen Yi was pulled onto Da Bai's back.

Under normal circumstances, Da Bai would be rather resistant and not like it if anyone other than Su Ming sat on it.

It did not even like people who were close to Su Ming, like Su Xiaoshan just now.

When Su Xiaoshan came up, big white even snorted a few times to show his resistance, but Su Xiaoshan took it as a welcome signal.

However, after Shen Yi came up, not only did Da Bai not show any dissatisfaction, he even took the initiative to bend down a little so that Shen Yi could sit more comfortably.

This scene also surprised Su Ming slightly, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Shen Yi did not seem to have noticed this, and she patted Da Bai's back after she sat down.

"It looks fierce, but it seems to have a good temper."

Su Ming shook his head helplessly and said, "You're the only one who would think so."