Issuing a Mission

When Su Ming heard that, he first nodded, then a contemplative look appeared on his face. He then said, "If you put it that way, I do have a thought that I would like you to help me complete."

When they heard Su Ming's words, the group of people before him, led by Second Senior Brother, instantly became excited.

"My respected Lord, please tell us what you want us to do! We'll definitely do a good job!"

When he said this, Second Senior Brother's face was full of excitement and a strong sense of expectation.

In fact, they had heard that many people had tried to come to the town near the Elf Valley to accept quests.

Unfortunately, after their attempts and experiments, they discovered that the NPCs in this town did not seem to issue missions.

Many of them came in high spirits but left in low spirits. Not only that, but they also wasted their precious time to level up.