
When Su Ming saw Dugu's expression, there was no way he would not know what she was thinking.

After a slight pause, Su Ming continued, "As the leader of a nomadic tribe with nearly a thousand people, his courage can not be as he shows.

"At least after the first time he surrenders, he won't accept my arrangement so easily and become your tribe's subordinate.

"So, I'm worried that he might want to use your tribe's opportunity to develop his own tribe again.

"But you don't have to worry too much. I've arranged for the troops to be there," Su Ming continued after a slight pause.

"Even if he had the idea, they do not have the ability to implement it.

"After they join your tribe, remember to ask the people of the Yao Mountain Tribe to get in touch with the people of the Long Wild Tribe.

"The more contact they have, the more they will naturally slowly see themselves as a part of the Long Wild Tribe.