Preparing for War

When Su Ming heard that, he looked at Su Xiaoshan helplessly. "What do we do? Play by yourself."

"Didn't you have a lot of fun playing with those little frog monsters? Let's continue playing."

Once he finished speaking, Su Ming nodded at Chen Yixue as a sign of acknowledgment.

Seeing this, Chen Yixue seemed to think that letting Su Xiaoshan play with the little frogs was a good suggestion.

Thus, Chen Yixue nodded and said, "Xiaoshan, you can play here by yourself.

"Your brother and I have some serious business to attend to."

Su Xiaoshan wiped her dry eyes as if she had been abandoned by the world.

"I understand. You guys can leave. I'm just a pine nut that's been despised."

Su Ming could not be bothered with her. He simply turned around and sat on Da Bai. When Chen Yixue saw this, she was a little amused by Da Bai's lively look.

After shaking her head helplessly, Chen Yixue said, "What do you mean you're a despised pine nut?