The Decision to Make a Move

"The trouble I've encountered this time isn't small, but if it's for you, it's not particularly big."

After a short pause, Frenzied Sword continued, "You know, in this game, if you want to become a giant, you have to be careful."

In that case, developing my own power is something I must do.

"And I might have been a little too hasty during this period of time. In short, my pace is too fast."

"It is also because of this that I provoked several NPC tribes nearby. As for my tribe, it's currently under the siege of several other tribes."

"For me, this is naturally a rather fatal matter. However, with the scale of those tribes, it's still a bit too much."

"It won't be difficult for your Elf Valley to deal with this."

When he heard this, Su Ming first cast a glance at Frenzied Sword, then nodded his head faintly.

"I know."

After a slight pause, Su Ming continued, "Your tribe is in the heaven mountain spirit realm?"