Special Training Camp

Once he returned to the tribe, Su Ming did not choose to rest. Instead, he continued to grow.

He had summoned so many Tree Demons and Druids now, not just to increase their numbers.

The reason why he had created so many Tree Demons and Druids was that he wanted them to become real combat power.

With the continuous training of the elven Warriors and the improvement of the combat power of the orcs in various major battles, the elves 'combat strength was greatly improved.

The ordinary Druids and Tree Demons were obviously unable to keep up with their pace.

This could be seen from the fact that Su Ming had not allowed them to fight in the most recent battles.

However, since he was free now and he had the time and resources to increase the combat abilities of the two races, why would Su Ming not be happy about it?

As he thought about it, Su Ming soon found two items in his forging workshop.

[Treant special training camp]