The Ye Family

[Ye Ao: As long as you're willing to join our Ye family, we can give you a hundred million in cash every month. In addition, if you're not married yet, I can let one of the direct descendants of our Ye family marry you.]

[Ye Ao: Oh right, I don't think I've introduced myself and my family, right? My name is Ye Chuan, and I'm from the Ye family in Beijing. If you know me, you should understand the weight of this name.]

When he saw the news that Ye Ao sent, Su Ming could not help but raise his eyebrows, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

The Ye family in the capital was one of the top families in the great land.

It was no wonder that he had appeared so rich and generous before, and the conditions he offered were so terrifying.

If it was 100 million a month, that would be 1.2 billion a year.