
"So, I have enough reason to suspect. They're not carrying out a stealth mission. We really lost contact with them!"

After a short pause, Zelda's chest heaved up and down. She said seriously, "Great Prophet, we must investigate this matter thoroughly!"

Zelda's expression was extremely serious when she said this.

Obviously, Zelda was still very concerned and responsible for the elven hunters who had suddenly disappeared.

When Su Ming heard her words, he first nodded, then leaned back in his chair. The expression on his face became slightly serious.

"The last time they contacted the other teams, where were they? Did they say anything special?"

Zelda seemed to have thought of something when she heard that. She said, "After their team went missing, I felt that this mission was too dangerous, so I had the other two teams withdraw."

"Looking at the time, they should be reaching the elf town soon."