
Outside the Vast Flame Kingdom.

Aite Mine.

Count Ottle was sitting in his tent, holding a pen in his hand and constantly writing something.

During this process, his eyes were fixed on the note on his table.

Not long after, a soldier walked into his tent. He first bowed respectfully before he began to report.

"Count Ottle, we have expanded the search area again, but we still haven't found any trace of the other party."

Count Ottle didn't seem to be too surprised by these words.

After a slight nod, Count Ottle said, "I know, continue searching."

The general cupped his hands at Count Ottle. Just as he was about to leave the tent, Count Ottle, who was in front of him, seemed to have thought of something. "Right, how's the mining work at the resource point? Report the current situation."

"Everything is going well at the moment, and everything is developing in the direction you've hoped for," the soldier replied.