Cai Rui

At this moment, it was as if all the strength in Count Ottle's body had been drained.

To make an inappropriate comparison, it was like a perfectly round balloon that suddenly burst.

The vastness that was bluffing dissipated in the blink of an eye, leaving only a small, shriveled empty shell.

Su Ming's expression did not change much when he saw Ottle's reaction.

"The questions that ought to be asked... someone will definitely ask them."

When he heard Su Ming's words, Count Ottle's expression instantly became even more confused.

He did not expect that after Su Ming said all those harsh words and forced him to speak, he did not even take the initiative to question him.

To Count Ottle, this was no different from another heavy blow to his dignity, which was already very diminished at that point.

However, Su Ming himself acted as if he did not notice Count Ottle's reaction at all.