The Earth Tibetan Tribe's Reaction

After bidding farewell to Shen Fang, the two of them walked on the streets at night. Shen Yi would occasionally turn her head to look at Su Ming.

Su Ming had also noticed her gaze, but he did not say anything. He only found it a little funny.

After a while, Shen Yi finally spoke.

"Then what should we do after we agree to this cooperation? Will it change our original plan?"

When Su Ming heard Shen Yi's questions, he first cast her a glance, then shook his head and said, "Right now, we don't need to do anything. We just need to follow our original plan and develop the game."

"As for what we need to do, your brother will tell us in advance. Before he opens his mouth, let's just wait and see."

Shen Yi did not ask any more questions. She only nodded slightly.

After that, the two of them started walking along the street, and Shen Yi slowly held Su Ming's hand.

The moment Su Ming was held, his body froze, then he slowly relaxed.