Gun Battle in the Store

Surrounded by enemies, Su Yan glanced at the convenience store in front of him and his eyes lit up. He rushed into the store without hesitation!

It was as if the horde of zombies had been bewitched. When they smelled the blood and flesh, they rushed towards Su Yan and chased after him crazily!

He ran as fast as he could. His heart was racing and the suffocating feeling made him almost out of breath. When he was about to reach the store, Su Yan realized that the store's door handle was locked from the outside!

D*mn it, which mother f*cker is this? it's already the apocalypse and they're still guarding this broken store? If Su Yan knew who the culprit was, he would stab him to death.

At that moment, he had no choice. There was no other place for him to hide. He could either continue to run away from the zombies or hide out of their sight. At that moment, the zombie closest to him was less than a meter away!

The zombies wantonly showed off their arrogance and bloodiness and roared loudly at him, "Ahhhhhhh!"

He knew that even if he had the key now, he would probably be bitten to death before he could unlock the door. 

Without hesitation, he pressed the F1 key for the wall-penetrating cheat. In the next second, Su Yan had passed through the door!


"Bang Bang!"

"Bang Bang Bang!"

The zombies who had bumped into the transparent door bared their teeth and opened their bloody mouths, screaming crazily into the transparent glass door!

Over and over, again and again, they roared towards the door. The scene was extremely disturbing and shook one to the core!

Su Yan glared at them coldly. He turned around and grabbed a duffel bag. He seized every second to throw everything into the bag. There were all kinds of food, medicine, ointments and bandages. He also took the kitchen knife.

He only took one of each item to reduce the weight so that it would be easier to escape. When he needed to use the item in the future, he could use the cheat system to copy and paste it.

"Whoosh! Whoosh!"

There was a huge crack in the glass door of the convenience store!

The zombies finally broke through the fragile glass door and rushed into the store.

Suddenly, gunshots were heard outside the store. Su Yan's pupils contracted. He held the bag and quickly hid in a dark corner of the cabinet, silently observing the situation outside.

Then, an armored vehicle in a green camouflage suit had just turned off the engine, and three men and two women jumped out of the car.

The three men were all wearing protective clothing and helmets, each holding a 1.5-meter sniper rifle.

As for one of the women, her hair was pulled by a man and her clothes were torn to pieces. Her bare skin was covered with whip marks and bloodstains.

She screamed madly, "No! Don't!"

The other woman was wearing a sexy, tight-fitting red dress and silk stockings. She had long, wavy hair and a handgun in her hand.

The two were both women, but the way they were treated individually was like heaven and earth.

The other woman was surrounded by the other two men on her left and right. She looked at the woman on the ground coldly and laughed. "Big Brothers, I'm much better than her. I'm obedient and useful, and I won't run away."

The other two men sneered, "What a sweet little mouth. We'll try it later and see if it's useful."

"If it's not good, you'll end up like her."

Then, the men threw the woman on the ground to a place not far away from the convenience store!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Don't! Don't eat me..."

The weak woman's last cry disappeared in the sounds of a group of crazy zombies gnawing at her. 

The three men and woman saw that the zombies outside the store were being diverted away, so they took advantage of it and began to shoot at the zombies that started to swarm in their direction. 

One by one, the bullets hit the zombies' heads, causing blood to spray out!

The three men and one woman fled into the store while firing their guns!

The glass door of the store was broken and one of the men pulled down the shutter door with a pouting face.

"Bang Bang Bang..." After a few times, the zombies outside the store tactfully ran in other directions.

The crisis in the store had been averted and the store suddenly became quiet.

"Hahaha, that's how women should be used."

"Big Brothers, you're so powerful. The zombies were nothing in your hands!"

"That's right, hurry up and get some food."



After some small talk, they immediately seized the items in the store.

The way they were seizing the items included rummaging through boxes and cabinets, and their skilled movements hinted that they were veterans.

Based on what had just happened, Su Yan could roughly figure out the background of these people. He deduced that they were soldiers based on the guns they were using and the armored vehicle. In the apocalypse, soldiers killed people openly, used and played with women, robbed things and committed all kinds of evil.

As expected, there was no humanity in the apocalypse.

Unfortunately, this group of people did not have long to live.

Su Yan hid in a dark corner, holding the only kitchen knife he could use to protect himself. He glared coldly at the woman who was getting closer and closer to him.

The two of them looked at each other.

Su Yan stabbed her in the heart and covered her mouth. Within a few seconds, the woman stopped struggling.

He took the black handgun from the woman's hand. The small black handgun was of a much lower grade compared to the sniper rifles the men were holding. Its firepower was average and its shooting range was one-tenth of a sniper rifle's shooting range.

At the same time, the men realized that there was no female voice in the store. They immediately shouted, "Allie!"

The only response they got was silence.

Without any hesitation, they picked up their guns and fired in the direction the woman was in!

"Are there zombies in the shop?"

"I don't care anymore. Let's kill her first. Even if she is dead, we can't be in any life-threatening danger!"

"F*ck! I haven't even had my fun and you've disappeared?"


Su Yan's lips curled up and he pressed his keyboard in the dark.

[F3, activate all firearms, unlimited firepower cheat!]

[F4, activate the auto-lock cheat!]

Su Yan crouched in the corner and fired three random shots behind him.

The moment the gunshots were heard, the three men hid behind the item counter and roared!

"F*ck, Allie, you dare to shoot at us? Are you tired of living?"

"I'll kill you!"

"Do you think your handgun can go against us? You're overestimating yourself!"


Just as the men were thinking about this, they were shot in the head by the bullets!

Their heads exploded and blood spurted out, some droplets landed on the corner of Su Yan's eyes.

These men lost their heads just like that, their eyes were ferocious as their heads fell to the ground! Before they died, they seemed to be saying, "This is impossible!"

Su Yan retracted his smile and blew the dust off his hands. He fiddled with the handgun in his hand before walking over to the nearest corpse and kicking it.

The man's body was covered in blood and was looking at him with his bloody eyes wide open.

He expressionlessly took the gun from the corpse's hand and the keychain in his pocket.

There were a few keys on the keychain, one of which was a car key.

He took all the supplies he could get, went out and directly got into the armored vehicle!