Survivors Going out to Collect Food

The next morning at 6 a.m.

The sun had just risen from the top of the mountain and the sky was still dark.

The two large iron gates of the prison were still closed, separating the prison from the outside world.

"Bang Bang Bang."

The gates that were connected to the outside world was being hit by zombies, giving out faint sounds.

There were two sets of iron gates leading to the outside world. One was connected to the world inside the prison, while the other was parallel to the other, but it was connected to the outside world.

There was a 10-meter-wide road between the two sets of parallel iron gates. Both sides of the road were connected to high city walls.

Therefore, if the people in the prison want to go out safely, they could open the iron gates from inside first, drive the car to that road, and once the people get into the car, close the inner gates first before opening the outer gates. Once the inner gates were closed, then the outer gates could be opened.

By that time, the zombies outside would run towards the prison and the car. Then, the car inside had to drive out quickly. There was because there were bound to be zombies on the road. Then, they would either wait for the zombies to disperse or the prison guards on the observation deck within the high wall would shoot them down.

When there were no more zombies, they would then close the outer gates. It was a mechanism that protected the prison from being attacked by zombies and allowed people to go out and find food as safely as possible.

When Su Yan was almost done with his observations, one-third of the sun had already appeared and the entire world was bright.

The sound of a car could be heard. 

Then, behind the 20-meter-high wall, a solid iron gate about two meters tall was slowly opened.

A modified pickup truck was already parked in front of the inner gates. The front of the two pickup trucks was welded with two layers of steel. With the thickness and hardness of the steel, even if they were to charge directly at the high wall made of stone bricks, they would be able to make a dent in it.

Not only that but there were also sharp blades stuck on the pickup truck's roof. This way, if the zombies surrounded them, the blades could kill them directly. This also reduced the difficulty for those who were going out to hunt for food.

And at this moment, four prison guards with batons and guns walked out and stood in two rows at the gate.

The four prison guards were holding guns in their hands, and they were no longer as cowardly and timid when they walked out, unlike last night when they had thrown the bodies outside the door.

Then, four more people came out from the inner gates. At the moment, they were holding some things that could be used as weapons, such as wooden sticks, iron spoons and other useful things.

Then, one of the prison guards handed a gun to the four of them.

He said to them, "When you come back, you have to hand in your guns and food before you can go in."

Upon seeing this, Su Yan believed that the prison would naturally have an arsenal of weapons, and there would definitely be sufficient guns. However, those who went out to look for food were only given one gun.

It seemed that the head of the prison was naturally afraid that giving out guns to everyone would pose a threat to him.

In addition, if four guns were given out and the survivors did not come back alive, then the gun resources would be wasted.

As everyone got into the car, a middle-aged man in a white doctor's coat stood in the crowd.

The car door closed, and the middle-aged man immediately walked toward a prison guard with a fawning expression.

He took out something that looked like a medicine bottle from his pocket and gave it to the prison warden. Then he went near the warden and said something to him.

The warden's face was visibly filled with joy. He took the medicine bottle, nodded, and gave a look to the prison guard standing next to him.

The prison guard then handed his gun to the man in the white coat.

Su Yan narrowed his eyes.

He knew that the doctor wanted to exchange the medicine for a weapon to save his life.

But, what was in this white medicine bottle? And could this person in the white coat be the doctor's student?

At the same time, the middle-aged man quickly got into the car, and the warden and the four prison guards also sped up and returned to the iron gates. Then, the inner gates closed with a 'Bang'!

The outer gates slowly opened. Seven or eight zombies swayed their bodies and rushed in!


A few zombies were killed by the blades when they hit the pickup truck.

Then, with a screeching sound, the pickup truck ran over the zombies and rushed out!

The moment it rushed out, the outer iron gates closed instantly.

As the gates slowly closed, a few zombies didn't let go of any chance and were madly rushing towards the iron gates!


The gates were finally closed, and the zombies were ruthlessly knocked against the iron gates. In less than ten seconds, all the vehicles had left the prison.

As the outer iron gates closed, a few zombies that came in first were blocked between the two iron gates. They were frantically climbing up the inner gates, trying to get into the prison.

At the same time, the sniper on the observatory deck aimed at the zombies.


A few zombies who tried to climb up the iron gates were killed in the head by the sniper!

The next second, the prison instantly returned to being like a dormant volcano, silent and dead.


Su Yan glanced at his watch. It was exactly seven o'clock. It seemed that they would go out to collect food around this time in the day.

Based on what he had just seen, Su Yan had a rough idea of the general order of life of the survivors in the prison, as well as the setting of the two iron gates.

After a few hours, the sun gradually set from the West to the East. At this moment, the outer iron gates slowly opened. A pickup truck drove back to the prison intact.

After the outer gates were opened, the zombies that sneaked in were dealt with in the same way as in the morning.

At this moment, Su Yan glanced at his watch. It was six in the evening.

It seemed that these survivors would leave at six o'clock every day and come back at six in the evening.

Su Yan closed the curtains after making sure. He hadn't slept for a day so he couldn't help but yawn.

Wen Wan, who had witnessed all of this, opened her eyes at this moment. The wound on her neck was spreading even further. She took a deep breath and asked weakly, "Why don't you rest for a while, I'll keep an eye on the situation outside."

Su Yan's eyebrows twitched as he coldly snorted."No need,"

As soon as she finished speaking, Su Yan seemed to have thought of something and looked at Wen Wan.

"By the way, have you seen the faces of all of your father's students?"