The Videotape Was Exposed 1

In that instant, Su Yan pressed [F4, activate the auto-lock cheat!]

The next second, Su Yan's eyes darkened, and he calmly pulled the trigger three times in a row!

The three zombies that were running toward his car fell just like that!

Upon seeing this, the prison warden's eyes narrowed as he looked on from the observation deck, his eyes revealing a hint of joy!

A talent! Three consecutive shots and they were so accurate?

But, nearly ten zombies surrounded Su Yan. Su Yan deliberately flashed a look of panic and ran to the car.

The prison warden saw this and judged that although Su Yan's shooting was accurate, he would still be frightened and fearful when facing a large number of zombies at once.

He wasn't sure if Su Yan had done it on purpose, but Su Yan's marksmanship had indeed frightened him.

"Fire! Open the gates after you're done," he yelled into the walkie-talkie.


Just as he finished speaking, the prison guards on the observation deck fired at the zombies chasing after Su Yan.

Dozens of zombies had their heads exploded by the prison guards' gunshots and blood splattered everywhere.

The inner gates opened.

Su Yan quickened his pace, got into the car, ignited the engine and drove the vehicle through the gates. The rear of the armored vehicle rolled up thick smoke, and the inner gates slowly closed behind them.

As a matter of course, Su Yan became a member of the survivor camp.

Not long after, Su Yan drove the armored car to the field. There were already about 30 survivors gathered there. Some survivors were gathering food outside and were coming back one after another.

As soon as the armored vehicle stopped, the two survivors rushed out of the car to hug their loved ones as if they had just escaped from death.

At this moment, the prison warden had already come down from the observation deck and arrived at the field.

The two survivors panted heavily as they hugged their relatives.

"Mom! We really almost died just now!"

"We've encountered a zombie tide of more than a hundred zombies!!"

"And I don't know what's going on. When we entered the grocery store, there were only a dozen zombies outside. But when we got the food and oil, there were honking sounds coming from outside, and there was no one to be seen!"

"It's really too scary. If it wasn't for someone who suddenly came to save us, we wouldn't have made it back!"

Their families and the rest of the survivors were also shocked!


"More than a hundred! That's not possible! There shouldn't be a zombie tide in the morning!"

"It's broad daylight. Why would there be honking sounds? Did the zombies step on something by accident?"

"By the way, who saved you?"

The two survivors turned around and pointed at Su Yan. "It's him."

At that moment, the survivors and the prison warden looked over.

Su Yan sat in the driver's seat and looked at everyone with a cold expression. His temperament was as cold as frost, which intimidated the prison warden.

Seeing this, the prison warden's heart trembled. Today's zombie tide was most likely inextricably linked to Su Yan. He couldn't help but feel that Su Yan was a tough character, but he didn't expose him. He knew that if he made good use of Su Yan, he would definitely be useful.

At the same time, the middle-aged man in the white doctor's coat was squatting beside a stretcher on the field.

There was a man lying on the stretcher. He had just gone out to collect food and had suffered a superficial injury. He was screaming in pain and then shouted, "Doctor, save me!"

Then, the middle-aged man took out a bottle of medicine from the medicine box next to him and took out a pill from the medicine bottle.

"I only have medicine here. If you want to treat the injury, you can find someone else."

Just as he finished speaking, the doctor put away the medicine box and walked to the side.

At the same time, Su Yan's eyes darkened as he looked at the bottle of medicine that the man took out. It was exactly the same as the medicine he had seen yesterday. It turned out that they were just painkillers.

At the same time, the trunk of the armored car made a loud noise.

Wen Wan groaned in pain and then became silent. 

Su Yan got out of the car and opened the trunk. He carried Wen Wan out of the sack.

He saw that the fingernails on Wen Wan's hands and feet had turned gray, and the gauze around her neck had been completely dyed black.

She furrowed her brows and closed her eyes, appearing extremely quiet. However, her weak breathing had almost disappeared.

Su Yan called out to the doctor who had just walked past him.

"Are you a doctor? Can you help to save people?"

The moment the doctor saw the woman's appearance, he was stunned.

He was so frightened that he could not stop trembling!

The doctor realized that he was near the prison warden. He subconsciously walked to the back of the prison guard who was beside the prison warden.

As if he had found a backer, he pointed at Su Yan and shouted, "Prison warden! Tell them to get out, this woman is going to turn into a zombie!"

The doctor's words instantly attracted everyone's attention. It was then that they saw Wen Wan's appearance.

Her blackened skin and nails, as well as the cobweb-like blood vessels on her neck, were slowly spreading to the blood vessels that had not turned black yet. There was even light breathing on her chest. It looked like she was about to turn into a zombie!

In an instant, all the survivors at the scene huddled together and subconsciously ran back!

As they ran, they pointed at Su Yan and Wen Wan.

"Hurry up and run! This woman is turning into a zombie!"

"Hurry up and kill them! Prison warden!"