See You Tomorrow

At this very moment, the prison warden divided the people present into groups.

He assigned the groups first, adding a large number of stronger people who looked like they could fight to the first few groups. Many people who could fight were in the same team. He left the old and young to one side.

When the so-called stronger members joined forces, they all had proud smiles on their faces. This was because they knew that the remaining people, who were weaker, would form their own teams and eventually die while looking for food outside. This would greatly reduce their burden.

When it was Su Yan's turn, he furrowed his brows and looked at the few people left in the crowd.

A skinny priest, a high school girl and a single mother.

The prison warden looked at Su Yan in embarrassment and said, "I'm sorry, but there are only a few people left for your food sourcing operation tomorrow. Can you accept this grouping?"

In fact, the prison warden did it on purpose. He had waited until the end to arrange teammates for Su Yan.

He deliberately assigned these weak people to Su Yan to see how Su Yan's team will turn out when they source food outside. He was also looking forward to seeing how Su Yan would obtain the food.

At the same time, he felt that if he had misjudged Su Yan's strength and Su Yan was dragged down by a few people and couldn't return, or if he didn't get any food, he wouldn't care.

In any case, the losses weren't big. He would just lose some people who didn't even have the strength to truss a chicken. This way, it could also reduce the burden on the camp in terms of resources.

If he didn't come back with food, he could also find a reason to ask him to leave.

But it would be even better if he could get some food back. He could find more reasons to arrange for him to go outside and find more food for the camp.

Su Yan cupped his chin and looked at the remaining three survivors.

When the three of them walked toward Su Yan, he couldn't help but smile.

Although Su Yan didn't know the exact strength of these three people, he knew that the prison warden was doing this because the latter wanted to give him people who everyone thought would become a burden to him. 

The warden's first purpose was to test his strength if his teammates were to drag him down.

His second purpose was to form a group consisting of people who could fight and leave the weaker ones to Su Yan. Maybe he could even bring back food for them.

If Su Yan couldn't bring back any food, the prison warden wouldn't suffer much loss.

Experimenting with minimal cost to get the most out of it.

This was the warden's goal.

Su Yan merely sneered at the thought. After all, no matter what his teammates were like, it had nothing to do with him.

Their deaths had nothing to do with him, and it was impossible for him to not find food.

With the cheat of copying and pasting food, there was no reason for him not to find food.

There was only one reason why he agreed to the prison warden's request to hunt for food with these seemingly weak people, and that was to interact with them, get familiar with them, observe them and see if any of them were the doctor's students.

Because he did not rule out the possibility that the doctor's students would disguise themselves and use other identities to survive among the other survivors.

Thinking of this, he looked at his first teammate, who was a priest.

The priest was dressed in a black robe, holding a Bible in his hand, and a cross hung around his neck. He looked very thin and weak. When he heard that he was going to be on the same team as Su Yan, he didn't have much of a reaction.

He merely nodded at Su Yan and said, "See you tomorrow,"

How could a thin priest be a student of a doctor?

If he wanted to disguise himself, would he deliberately disguise himself as a priest?

Su Yan couldn't be sure.

The other one was a high school girl who looked like a female delinquent. She wore a high school uniform and had two ponytails. Her skin that was exposed was covered in tattoos.

A teenage girl would never be a doctoral student because based on common sense, to become a doctoral student, you need to be a college student in her twenties. 

The girl was only in her teens, so it was impossible.

She had already been eliminated by Su Yan.

The last teammate was a single mother who looked to be in her forties. She didn't talk much and always followed the team with a calm expression.

Even when she met Su Yan's eyes or when others tried to talk to her, she would always have an indifferent look on her face. She wouldn't respond much and would always hide in the crowd with an expressionless face.

In that case, could she be a student of the doctor? Could it be that she was trying to protect herself and prevent the serum from being used by others, so she was always quiet to reduce the possibility of being discovered?

Su Yan couldn't be sure.

However, he knew that the first step was to go out and hunt for food and increase his chances of interaction with others. Only then would he know everyone like the back of his hand. As for whether he could get back food, it was none of his business.

As for whether he would be implicated, he could only laugh in his heart.

With the cheat, he would not be dragged down.

Thinking of this, he raised his eyes and looked at the prison warden, who was keeping his real intentions to himself, and said with a smile, "No objections."