Then Let's Split up!

At this moment, there were two glass doors at the entrance of the supermarket, and the glass doors were facing each other.

There were snacks and food less than a meter or two away from the glass door.

If they drove the car in, they would definitely crash into the food.

Su Yan wasn't sure if there would be more zombies in the supermarket.

For safety reasons, Su Yan stopped the armored car at the entrance and didn't rush in.

As soon as the engine was turned off, everyone got up and wanted to get out of the car!

Suddenly, the priest stopped the middle-aged woman and the female delinquent from getting out and said, "It's too dangerous in the supermarket. Women shouldn't follow us out. Leave it to us men."

The female delinquent rolled her eyes at him and flung his hand away, shouting, "Get lost!"

As she spoke, she opened the car door and walked down.

The middle-aged woman sat in the front passenger seat. She had short hair and exquisite facial features. She was wearing a neat white shirt and a tight-fitting skirt, looking very capable.

Although it was said that she was a single mother, she didn't seem to have aged. Even though she was in her forties, she still looked very young.

At this moment, she nodded at the priest and continued to sit in the car in a daze. There was still no fear on her face.

Su Yan still didn't know what kind of strength the middle-aged woman had.

After that, he and the priest both got out of the car.

The female delinquent was the first to push open the glass door and pick up boxes of gum on the shelf by the door. She stuffed them into her bag with one hand and then opened a box, pouring out a few pieces and throwing them into her mouth.

Then, she chewed on her gum and played with the baseball bat in her hand as she walked into the supermarket as if nothing had happened.

The priest was the second to enter, and he took a few boxes of condoms from the counter at the door.

Su Yan saw this and smiled.

He didn't think that a serious-looking priest would have such high needs.

The priest's cold eyes caught sight of Su Yan's smile. He pushed up his black-rimmed glasses and said, "Amen, there are always girls in prison who get pregnant for no reason. For their sake, I must bring some of this back."

Su Yan raised his eyebrows and called out to them. The two people in front turned their heads and looked at him blankly.

Su Yan took out two guns and gestured to them with his eyes.

The female delinquent glared at Su Yan and shook her head, indicating that she didn't need it.

The priest nodded and thanked him with his eyes. He waved his hand to show that he didn't need it.

Su Yan chuckled when he saw this. He looked at the two of them and said, "Then we'll split up."

"I'm going to the snacks area."

Just as he finished speaking, the female delinquent couldn't help but complain, "Alright! Too noisy! Even if we can take the whole supermarket down, your armored car can't fit so much stuff. We usually use pickup trucks. "

After she said that, the priest smiled and walked forward.

Su Yan entered the supermarket as well. He stepped over the threshold, and before he could close the door, the supermarket's door closed automatically.



The supermarket door swung back and forth after Su Yan closed it. Then, it gradually stopped.

The supermarket was extremely dark, and a broken light bulb was making a "sizzling" sound on the ceiling. The flickering light shone on the ruined items on the rows of cabinets in the supermarket.

Suddenly, a cool breeze came from the sky.

The plastic that was scattered on the ground and the lighter items on the cabinet were all blown up.


It made a loud sound.

As they walked further in, they saw a gloomy sight ahead.

Su Yan felt as if he had entered a secret room with only a glimmer of light. He could only see part of the surroundings in the flickering light.

Su Yan used the flickering light to move forward with a calm expression.

He just stood there quietly. His posture was straight, his expression was calm, and his eyes were cold and distant.

Pale white light illuminated Su Yan from outside the supermarket. In the dim light, the silhouette of a youth stood upright in the darkness. A faint light enveloped his body, and the young man seemed to be glowing.

His figure moved slightly and he walked inside.

"Patter - patter."

The sound of water going through the water pipe could be heard. 

From afar, it sounded like a woman's sobbing.

The sound of Su Yan's steady footsteps mixed with the sound of the water droplets gave off an indescribable eeriness.

Suddenly, a crisp sound came from below Su Yan's feet.

Under the flickering light, he looked down coldly. A packet of Lay's potato chips was crushed under his feet.

He ignored it and walked between the two rows of cabinets.

It was a snack area. The two rows of cabinets were filled with all kinds of potato chips and biscuits.

He picked up the nearest packet of Lay's potato chips. The Lay's potato chips were cucumber-flavored, and the production date was a year ago.

There was a white plastic bag at Su Yan's feet. He bent down to pick it up.

From afar, Su Yan's silhouette flickered under the lights, but it was a blur.

As one walked closer, Su Yan's figure became more and more distinct.