It's Like Purgatory

At this moment, Lin Shen paused in his steps. He finally had time to think. He couldn't help but think in the moment of desperation.

At this moment, he recalled the situation where no one answered his walkie-talkie. Lin Shen's eyes darkened.

How did the prison gate fall?

Those were two iron gates that he had carefully set up, and they were guarded by the prison guards on the observation deck, so it was impossible to fall.

There were only two possibilities.

The first possibility was that someone had deliberately let the zombies into the camp. Su Yan was the only person who could do such a thing. At the thought of this, Lin Shen felt that this idea was too ridiculous.

Not only was Su Yan locked up in his cell, but his freedom was also restricted. How could he have done such a thing?

If Su Yan really escaped from the cell and lure the zombies into the prison, he would be shooting himself in the foot.

He, Su Yan, was powerful, but how could he fight the zombie tide alone?

Therefore, Lin Shen immediately rejected the first idea that popped into his mind.

The second possibility was that Wen Wan had turned into a zombie and bit everyone, causing everyone to turn into zombies. At the thought of this, Lin Shen rejoiced that he had set up such an escape route as a safety measure.

Immediately, Lin Shen slid his entire body into the ventilation pipe with determination. 

At the same time, a black shadow flashed over the high wall. Su Yan placed his hands behind his back and walked on the tiles. He calmly walked towards the place where the fire and blood met.

The tip of his foot tapped lightly as if the world could not bear his weight. The world would instantly lose its balance and no one would survive his aura.

Wherever he went, the heavens would fall and the earth would be shattered, and even the mountains and rivers will break loose. Even if the ocean gathered and destroyed all living things, he could still remain calm.

At this moment, he looked at everything in front of him coldly.

The zombies were jumping and wreaking havoc. They mercilessly devoured fragile human lives. They grinned hideously as they watched the humans escape.

The raging flames in the surroundings reflected the shadows of the corpses and zombies.

As for the metal gates, trees, plastic, and everything else that could be burned, they were undoubtedly too weak at this moment. They were simply unable to resist the invasion of the flames.

They seemed to be suffering extreme pain like humans, and at this moment, they were burned to death by the flames, letting out 'painful' sizzling sounds.

At this moment, the sturdy prison was completely shattered. The moonlight illuminated both the inside and outside of the prison. They were clearly under the same moonlight, yet the situation was completely different.

Outside the prison, it was just the rustling sound. 

Within the prison, the moonlight interweaved with the hot temperature and the burning tears.

Helpless cries, thick smoke, and fierce fire interweaved. It was like a living Hell.

At the same time, Lin Shen had already arrived at the tunnel. He quietly stayed in the tunnel, not daring to make a sound. At this moment, he was surrounded by the screams of humans in purgatory. There were also roars and running footsteps of zombies.

In the dark sewer, the sound of a few mice could be heard. Lin Shen took a deep breath and calmed down for the time being. He knew that the sewer led to a manhole cover outside the prison. In that case, it would not be safe for him to crawl out of the prison.

Therefore, he decided to settle down in the sewer for the time being.

He couldn't help but feel lucky given his current situation.

"Fortunately, there's concrete ground separating us."

And the next second, a hand suddenly touched his shoulder from behind. All Lin Shen could feel was a sudden strong stench of corpses.

His entire body trembled instantly!

That's not possible...

Absolutely impossible!

A look of panic flashed across his face, and his hand, which was covered in blue veins, was shaking as he held the gun. He didn't dare to shoot. 

If it was a zombie, shooting would attract more zombies.

But if he didn't shoot, he would be...

The next second, he took a step forward, turned around, and fired!


There was indeed a zombie behind him. The zombie's head exploded instantly.

What Lin Shen did not expect was this was just the beginning. The next second, the iron wall of the sewer pipe started to shake. The sounds were getting louder. 

Suddenly, a few zombies appeared behind him and ran towards him!

The sewer that was still quiet just a moment ago suddenly became noisy because of the gunshots. Lin Shen didn't even have time to think before he ran forward.

Even though he knew that the sewer in front of him led to the outside of the prison, he had no other choice.

It was pitch-black in the sewer, yet there were countless zombies behind him. The speed of a human could never outrun a zombie.

Several times, Lin Shen felt the zombie's hand touching his back. He gritted his teeth and quickly ran into the darkness ahead.

Finally, in what seemed to be a hopeless situation, a bright light appeared not far ahead. Lin Shen's eyes lit up.

Could it be that the prison guards had come to save him?

He couldn't care less. Even if there were zombies outside, he had to take a gamble. Then, without any hesitation, he ran in the direction of the light.

Just when he felt that he had a chance of survival, Lin Shen stuck his head out and saw the light!