Chapter 181 Shakira

Kidnapping cases generally have a "Golden 72 Hours."

The kidnappers usually maintain the hostage's life until they achieve their goals.

The likelihood of hunger and cold is relatively small, but beating and abuse are hard to completely avoid.

The longer the captivity, the less patience the kidnappers have, and the more irritable they become.

The hostages also experience immense psychological pressure, making it easier for them to lose rationality and enrage the criminals.

Once the kidnappers lose patience, they might kill the hostage.

The endurance of minors is worse than that of adults; under strange and frightening circumstances, it's easy for them to cry and cause trouble.

The likelihood of angering the kidnappers is greater, and managing to hold on for three days is already very difficult.

Tonight, overtime is definitely necessary.

The threatening email was handed over to the technical department for investigation.