Chapter 196 Gathering


Southern District, mediation room.

Daisy requested the second mediation.

The mediation was still conducted by the same African-American officer and the Asian female officer.

Daisy accompanied Val to the mediation, facing the robber Harbot Ross across the conference table.

The Asian officer said, "This is the second mediation, and I hope it can be resolved successfully this time instead of wasting everyone's time."

The robber Harbot Ross grinned, "I have great respect for both officers, and my time is precious, too. It all depends on their sincerity."

Daisy said, "Mr. Harbot Ross, since you claim to have sincerity, why don't you just sign the settlement agreement, and we can let bygones be bygones."

"Oh my god, am I hearing this right? You letting bygones be bygones?

I was the one who got hit, that bastard knocked me to the ground and then brutally beat me as he straddled me.

Do you think I'm a black slave from two hundred years ago?