Chapter 123 Demon God Zangtian

At the moment Chu Xisheng drank the "Jade Heart Elixir" in the Secret Realm, Chu Yunyun and Lu Luanti finally reached the summit of a mountain on the southern side of the Secret Realm.

Actually, both of them had arrived at Coastal County the night before, hot on the heels of Chu Xisheng.

The issue was that since they had said they were going to watch the great tide at Coastal, they couldn't just talk the talk without walking the walk.

So early in the morning, the two women first went to the bank of the Shenxiu River to take a glance at the nonexistent tide, and only then did they hurry in the direction of the Secret Realm.

Their main purpose was to watch the tide, and incidentally to check on Chu Xisheng's safety in the Secret Realm.

Along the way, Chu Yunyun had to feign illness and weakness, which meant they couldn't travel swiftly.

Furthermore, there was a large number of guards surrounding the Secret Realm, prohibiting anyone from getting near.