Chapter 3: Hot Pot and the Girl_2

"Hold it gently with your middle finger, thumb, and index finger, placing the thumb next to the nail of the index finger..."

Tang Xian began teaching the girl how to use chopsticks.

The girl also studied seriously. When people are in a hurry, they often exhibit extraordinary wisdom. Of course, mathematics is an exception; if you can't do math, you just can't.

With her stomach growling and smelling the tempting hot pot, the girl learned very quickly.

Tang Xian was somewhat surprised.

"Good, eat up. This is beef tripe, and this is duck intestine; they just need a quick swish and can be eaten. Don't cook them too long; they'll lose their tenderness if overdone."



Initially somewhat reserved and conscious of her manners, the girl soon gave that up. She seemed to have a talent for learning; she quickly became proficient with her chopsticks,

then smacked her lips while devouring the oily tofu and gently biting into the crispy tripe, occasionally showing an embarrassed smile, tinged with a bit of shyness.

But her mouth never stopped moving.

Tang Xian liked that kind of expression; he was indifferent about many things, but when it came to food, he was very particular.

Today's nutritional meals offer a taste sensation that aligns with human aesthetics, but like the internet-famous faces of over a thousand years ago, they represent monotonous sameness.

The sensation of deliciousness shouldn't be singular.

Since Tang Xian seldom had guests, he didn't prepare much for hot pot, so the two of them finished eating rather quickly.

Tang Xian then reverted to his initial demeanor, saying,

"You should go now."


The girl clearly did not expect that this man only wanted someone to appreciate his cooking, not interested in romantic pursuits.

Tang Xian, digging at his ear, wore a smile that wasn't quite a smile.

Arriving neither early nor late, a woman had come to serve him on the very night he was confirmed for his position; of course, he didn't believe in coincidences.


The data on his interface amused him.

The arrival of this girl was very likely arranged by someone, though not with malicious intent.

"For the next few days, I'll be staying in the mining area. You have a good figure and looks; in the lower levels, you'd be considered high-quality. If you're just looking for a place to be taken in, there are plenty of options."

The girl lowered her head and said,

"Do you find me unattractive?"

"How could I? We're both scum living at the bottom; neither of us is in a position to disdain the other. It's just that I have a woman I love, and I'm not interested in you."

After the introduction of a class system, Tang Xian's antique notions began to be slowly replaced by a different set of ideas.

In fact, it was common within the upper echelons of the Pyramid for women to have multiple men and for men to have multiple women.

The strong had the right to mate and to dominate their peers.

This saying was a jest in the ancient 21st century, but it has since become a reality.

The girl was surprised by Tang Xian's thoughts.

Who among those who could secure a house for themselves in the lower levels was still an unadulterated good person?

She stared at Tang Xian with wide eyes; he looked down to check the time.

"You're going to the mining area?"

"Yes. So you should leave; I'll be there for quite a few days."

"But it's nighttime now... The mining area is dangerous at night, isn't it?"

"That's right, at night."

The girl looked incredulously at Tang Xian, her large eyes blinking.

Indeed, in such matters, one would choose based on quality, not correctness. Perhaps it was the lingering aroma of red oil on her lips or perhaps it was Tang Xian's calm demeanor.

The girl didn't really want to leave; she hesitated for a long time before speaking:

"Are you a regular worker? Why not go to the second layer?"

"Barbarians do barbaric things, which I am used to seeing. But it's uncomfortable to watch civilized people do the same."

The girl didn't understand the meaning of Tang Xian's words.

Tang Xian continued to urge, "You really should leave now."

"Take me with you, I can help you! I can be your eyes!"

Tang Xian raised his eyebrows.

The term "eyes" was slang used within the exploration teams of the regular workers.

A team would typically consist of six people, with one healer and one intelligence officer. Generally, the intelligence officer would be referred to as the "eyes."

"Have you been to the mining area?"

"I... I have learned the knowledge."

"What's your name?"

"I'm Dong Ran. I'm not lying to you, please take me with you, I actually have four talents!"

There was still a little while before they could enter the mining area again.

A girl selling herself for lodging had come to find him, and she was a quadruple-talent bearer no less.

Tang Xian felt that no matter who sent her, though they were not smart, they certainly did not skimp on the means.

"If you can see four talents, you'll have to explain how you ended up in a position to sell yourself for a place to stay. Logically, a genius with four talents should at least live on the third layer."

After Tang Xian finished talking, the girl lowered her head and said nothing, as if recalling something sad.

Tang Xian was not in a hurry. He really didn't dislike this girl named Dong Ran. If she truly could see four kinds of data, no matter who arranged for her to come to him, it would be of some help to him.

His eyebrows slightly raised, he said:

"I'm not interested in your body, but I will have to stay in the mining area for a while. Eating hotpot is fine occasionally, but I need to diversify the menu, change a new pot. The area I will be going to in the mining area is infested with fierce beasts. If you are to follow me, you at least have to make me trust you. Even if you make up a story, you still have to complete the process, with a justification that puts us both at ease."

Tang Xian's gaze wasn't sharp, yet the girl felt as if she was seen through.

"I didn't participate in the Talent Selection Trial."


"Someone harmed me at the time. When I got there... the exam was already over."

"That's not uncommon."

"That day, my physical condition was very bad and I didn't reach the examination site on time. And there's no such thing as a make-up test for the Talent Selection Trial..."

"So, you fell to the first layer?"

"Even if I tell people I have four talents, nobody would believe me. The first layer is full of outcasts. You know, as the teachers would say in school, those without talents are ultimately the eliminated under evolutionary laws. I didn't expect you to be a regular worker, let alone that you would be entering the... mining area now."

Dong Ran's eyes widened with a hint of defiance:

"I want to live a better life; I can be useful! Please take me with you! You must be going to do something big, right?"

Temporary workers could only go to the relatively safe newbie villages. The mining area creatures attacked the newbie villages the least, mostly at night.

From what Dong Ran implied, Tang Xian understood that she probably wanted to hunt down mining area creatures to complete a mission on the task board and then get a regular worker to vouch for her, to earn an opportunity to prove herself and ascend to a higher level for a more comfortable life.

"Reasonable enough, I will tentatively believe you." To Tang Xian, this reason was full of holes, but the girl was somewhat useful, like having a bodyguard sent to your doorstep just as you were about to leave. But to guess who sent her would take some more time.

"What mission do you plan to take in the mining area?"

Tang Xian looked at the time and said, "It's about time. I'm planning to hunt a Cerberus from hell."

Dong Ran was startled, thinking she had heard wrong.


Tang Xian repeated.

"An elite-level boss creature, the Cerberus from hell."