Chapter 22: The Road to Wealth_2

"Okay, Xian, what's the real deal?"

Shang Lu used his chopsticks swiftly; his talents were few, just two kinds—data of biological entities in the mine area, where he could only see their attack power and health points.

But he was smart, with deep expertise in a single field, which is why he made it to the fourth level.

He picked up a piece of dog meat.

After popping it into his mouth, Shang Lu suddenly felt somewhat joyful.

Xian really was Xian, a person who could live luxuriously no matter where he was.

Such delicacies, in a place like the lower levels, were like finding joy amidst hardship.


Tang Xian opened his item bag and took out the Jiuye Biphasic Orchid.

Shang Lu's interest was immediately piqued.

"The leaves of this Biphasic Orchid... there seem to be quite a few, not something you'd see in a common area. Where did you get it?"

It was as if he became a different person; he perked up instantly, as thrilled to see a rare plant as if he were seeing a lover.

In issue 196 of the "Scientific Research Journal," it mentioned that the new genius from Hua Science Academy, Shang Lu, was still unmarried, which Tang Xian didn't quite believe at the time.

Now he did.

There were people in this world who found games more fun than women.

Those who preferred 2D characters over real people.

But Shang Lu's kind of special fondness for plants must surely be one of a kind.

"Tree Sea, yellow zone, but it's going to change to a red zone soon."

Shang Lu nodded. He didn't doubt Xian's words; why a yellow zone would turn red didn't concern him. As long as it was Tang Xian who said it, it couldn't be wrong.

"Jiuye, that's incredibly rare."

"It is rare, and very important. I saw the paper you published in issue 175 of the 'Scientific Research Journal,' in the mining area plant column."

"Really? That's great, I've always wanted to know if there were any problems with my views." It was like going back six years, when many of his shortcomings were pointed out by the man before him.

After leaving school and stepping into society, there were few who could guide Shang Lu.

In the past year or two, when Shang Lu occasionally recalled Tang Xian, he could increasingly appreciate Xian's vast knowledge.

There was only one person in the world who could be an expert in so many fields and, in a single field, also guide someone like him.

"There's no major problem with your paper; cloning of plants, in fact, was a technology available in the twenty-first century. It's just that civilization has come close to destruction several times, and much hasn't been preserved. Moreover, cloning mining area plants, especially rapid cloning, is indeed a new field. Your idea is good, but there are improvements to be made in the selection of the nutrient solution's composition."

Tang Xian actually felt quite satisfied.

However, Shang Lu slapped his forehead and exclaimed, "Ah! That's it! I knew something was off! My thinking was always focused on the genetic code, but I ended up overlooking the cultivation environment. Xian, you're incredible!"

"It's human nature. We tend to excessively focus on areas we're not familiar with, thereby neglecting the more straightforward aspects."

"I'll study it as soon as I get back tonight."

"How many days have you gone without sleep?"

"Forgot. Not much need to sleep, not feeling tired anyway."

"You should rest when you need to; if you overuse your brain, you'll lose your hair."

"That would be perfect... saves me the hassle of dealing with it."

Tang Xian smiled again. So many years had passed, and this academic zealot was still the same.

"I need your help to clone two Jiuye Biphasic Orchids; they don't have to be identical, slight differences in details are acceptable, cloning will do, so will rapid cultivation. With your current skills, you should be able to manage it."

"No problem, how soon do you need them?"

"The sooner the better, I'm giving you five days."

"Five days is enough."

Although the man before him was the only one who could guide him, Shang Lu was not overly modest about his own research field.

Tang nodded.

He had fulfilled his promise to Qing JiuYu.

"I have nothing with which to repay you; in the next two days I'll rush out some articles, all personal insights about the mining area plants. When you give me the Biphasic Orchids, I'll hand them over to you."

Shang Lu was stunned.

Then he shook his head and said, "I believe your personal stuff will certainly be of great help to me, Xian, but I can't accept it."

"What's with the pretenses? I would never choose to go to the fourth level and deal with plants at Huaxia Science Academy every day. Since you've chosen this kind of life, don't give up any opportunity to improve yourself. Those at the top like to resolve mining district issues with brute force, but the biggest problem facing humanity now is that our strength isn't strong enough."

"If it weren't for the fact that the creatures from the mining districts can't come to Earth through transport cracks, humanity would have been wiped out long ago. However, your research is different; studying plants might solve many difficult issues."

Shang Lu was stunned.

He felt touched. When he had made a mistake in the past, Xian had spoken to him in the same blunt manner.

But now that he had become successful, it turned out that those with greater talents than him had become cheaters. Thinking about it still made him feel choked up.

"Alright, that's enough about serious matters."

The creatures from the mining districts had no idea about human cloning technology. Tang Xian looked forward to seeing the expression on Qing JiuYu's face when he actually produced three Jiuye Biphasic Orchids.

However, this matter couldn't be rushed; right now, he had other things to do.

"Xian, actually everyone..."

Tang Xian waved his hand and said:

"Living on the bottom level is very comfortable. As for the upper levels, if one day in the future, something interesting happens there, I will find a way to join in the excitement. I appreciate your good intentions, but there's no need to worry about my affairs."

It wasn't that he lacked compassion; he simply didn't need help.

Knowing Xian's capabilities, Shang Lu didn't insist anymore.

Without that topic to discuss, the two men had little else to talk about.

After thinking for a bit, Tang Xian figured it was better to find a topic to discuss and went on:

"In the future, I might bring a lot of strange and rare plants, and there will be a lot of areas where I'll need your help."

"Are those plants all very rare?" Shang Lu asked.

Tang Xian nodded.

For the mining district creatures, some rare plants were highly valuable.

But humans could clone plants, and since he could talk to the boss-level beings of the mining districts, he could sell some valuable plants.

Tang Xian thought of a place.

The Beast Court.

If the boss creatures of the mining districts had established a legal system, then they should also have a monetary system.

"I've met a bunch of foolishly wealthy patrons who love all kinds of strange plants, but they have no idea that there's such a thing as plant cloning. Therefore, they will pay high prices to buy plants."

Shang Lu wasn't surprised, since after all, this method was only in his hands.

But he was curious, as humans nowadays only needed minerals, and any ornamental plants could be synthesized through quantum conversion of organic minerals.

Who would like odd plants?

"What do you mean by foolishly wealthy?"

"They don't lack minerals. Even Soul Crystal Jade."

This time, Shang Lu was truly astonished.

He didn't know how Xian had come to know such powerful individuals, but there were very few in today's world who could say they didn't lack minerals.

The second son of Da Wan Mining, Wang Cong, and other upper-class people from various Huaxia fortresses all sought to curry favor with him. But even such wealthy scions dared not say they didn't need minerals.

And Soul Crystal Jade was an omnipotent mineral that only powerful mining district creatures possessed.

"There are others who don't lack minerals? That's seriously wealthy."

"Perhaps, to them, having money and having minerals are two different concepts."

When Tang Xian saw Qing JiuYu's fondness for Jiuye Biphasic Orchids, he spotted a business opportunity.

He could collect the plants most favored by the cataclysm-level and disaster-level creatures for them and could even sell them in large quantities. In return, they would need to help him collect Soul Crystal Mines from enemies or creatures he disliked.

Traversing between two worlds, he would do business with humans as well as the mining district bosses.

Shang Lu said, "Okay, Xian. If there's any rare plant that needs cloning, just leave it to me. I'll definitely deliver on time."

Tang Xian knew that Shang Lu understood the value of his own technology. He agreed to help unconditionally only because he was Tang Xian. He had helped Shang Lu in the past.

He didn't want to take advantage of others and said:

"I can't tell you who they are. Only after the initial transaction will I know if it's truly feasible. If it is, then I hope you can apply for a patent for rapid plant cloning technology, and—"

Tang Xian paused, then seriously added:

"Partner up with me."