Chapter 34: One Man, One Fox, One Bird_2

"It could actually taste better, but you chose the least delicious method. Come, give me the fish. I'll show you how to eat it."

Tang Xiaojiu reluctantly struggled, battled with her conscience, and finally, obediently handed over the fish.

To prevent Tang Xiaojiu from drooling along the way, Tang Xian put the fish into his carry bag and took her to his treehouse.

Without delay, Tang Xian began cooking the fish.

With wealth abound, one still only eats three meals a day. When it comes to eating, one must be particular—even if most of life requires compromise, at least under the existing conditions one should live as comfortably as possible.

Lacking enough side ingredients, he couldn't make a complex fish dish and decided to make a milky phosphorus fish soup.

"I should plant a vegetable garden here in the future."

Tang Xian initially wanted to add some chopped green onions but then realized he didn't have any.