Chapter 39: The Mission to Rescue Tang Busi - Part 2

Suddenly laughed again.

The treehouse was more lively than ever before.

After Tang Xian's explanation, Dong Ran learned that not all creatures in the mining area were hostile to humans.

Although Tang Gazi was talkative and somewhat foolish, his favorite thing was the beautiful bodies of various female species, so as soon as he found out that this woman was an ally, he quickly grew fond of Dong Ran.

Amongst bird species, the mynah bird had a rather cute appearance, which Dong Ran and Tang Xiaojiu liked very much.

Tang Xian was sure that Tang Xiaojiu's fondness was similar to his own, mixed with a liking for the taste of bird meat.

Watching Tang Xiaojiu and Tang Gazi,

Dong Ran couldn't help but wonder what Tang had experienced in the mining area. How in just a few days, he had faced hellhounds, gained a little sister, and even became friends with a bird that could speak human language? His adventures were quite rich.