Chapter 49: Marry Me

The phone equipment on the bottom level was all communal and very expensive. To charge a personal mobile phone, one had to go to the third level and use an identity code.

Although Tang Xian was now a full-time worker, he still didn't have the access rights to the third level. This wasn't something he couldn't achieve, it was just that he was too lazy to handle it—it was very troublesome.

He'd rather pinch and scrape to save money than do some tedious tasks.

Ke sent him a text, probably with the pick-up address for Fortress 39.

Although there were still couriers who made deliveries, they were only within the fortress.

For example, when the rich people on the third level bought goods from the second level, there would be couriers who delivered the items to their doorsteps.

But for inter-fortress deliveries, they used a method similar to crack teleportation technology; however, this kind of transport between fortresses couldn't send living things, only non-living objects.