Chapter 51: Cute Idiot_2

This world is sometimes like this.

Some people strut around in their day-to-day lives, and everyone thinks that those people are nothing but straw bags who only got where they are because of their parents. But when a national crisis looms, these same people won't even frown.

Then there are those who always like to criticize others, always on the moral high ground, but faced with the same national crisis, these people do nothing, continuing only to scoff and jeer.

Of course, this is just a partial phenomenon. But it's enough to illustrate a principle.

Actions can judge a person, but often, the actions people understand are not comprehensive. You can never know whether your friend will one day suddenly have a persona collapse or an elevation of character.

Tang Xian thought of a story and began to tell it outright.

"At the end of the fifth school year, there was a very handsome student in our class. Probably before he transferred, I was only the second most liked by the girls."