"The future you believe in will never come to pass, and all your efforts to strengthen your own power are just crafting a bridal gown for the orchestrators behind the scenes."
Face to face with Li Wanye, Tang Xian's words were a mix of truth and fiction, but the words he just spoke were no lie.
In Tang Xian's view, if the orchestrators truly existed, they were indeed like the shadowy overlords commonly found in bottom-tier network novels.
Li Wanye's eyes widened as Tang Xian's words made him feel as if the power he thought he possessed had all but turned into a mirage.
Even if those words might very well be false. But to those who chase after power, even the mere possibility of losing it can instill deep fear.
Tang Xian knew he had already persuaded him halfway.
He wasn't in a rush.
"And you? Do you desire nothing from humankind?" After a long silence, Li Wanye finally spoke.