letter to my uncle
dear uncle, life isn't easy, but I didn't listen to your advice. several people I observed people around me some had smiles that motivated me but the person I lived with never gave me that smile. every time my heart and my body wanted a hug things went wrong sometimes i stole the hugs from my friends and the people who opened their mouths with me, the people who looked up to me everywhere when i spent my free time with them. my uncle, I did not understand what you told me about the people who should be frequented, the people who impact our lives. the people who give us a smile the people who transform our lives. my uncle I followed my thoughts I was wise in my eyes I thought everything was going to end well but I was wrong I did things that today we already close my heart and not for the lack of love my heart through the scars of emotional shock around me. my uncle I did not understand the veracity of your advice I thought that you did not want my well-being I thought that you were against me, I thought that you were against my projects my uncle I understood nothing of all that. my uncle, I didn't follow your advice in terms of romantic relationships with women around me, things were getting worse; because I didn't understand when you told me that to succeed you have to have only one wife so that your projects succeed so that your children have a good education; so that your health lasts and remains perfect. I did not understand all that I just understood the desires of my heart the desires of my flesh I let myself be carried away by its last I let myself be carried away by the beauty of my body I smothered your advice with his feelings and today I am lost and without a way out of this situation. my uncle I still haven't listened to your advice when you talked to me about behavior in front of elderly people and work colleagues my uncle I got carried away by my level of studies and my diploma obtained and pride took the disappointment on everything around my life. my uncle I did not understand and today I find myself without a job and without money because my pride has destroyed everything in my life. my uncle I did not understand your advice on honoring my parents, I did not respect my parents because they had trouble offering me everything I need as a device but I forgot the little they gave me that was everything to them and today I am an orphan of father and mother. my parents died without giving me blessings, without saying goodbye to me because my heart was filled with pride over my person and I despised my parents I despised the little he gave me, the little that was everything to them. my uncle today i regret everything i did as a mistake everything i did rejecting your advice today i am alone in the world even this letter i know you are not going to receive it since you too are not I'm no longer among the living I'm just writing this letter to free myself from my personal condemnation but I hope that with every word I write and say it in my heart you listen to it where you are and I hope that you will forgive me for everything that I have committed who have saddened your heart who have touched your heart with all my words I just want to tell you I love you ........