Chapter two 47TH BATTALION

Ranga and Yasui were inside the mansion hoping to find the Duke alone with no soldiers beside him to avoid a scene. The duo got confused because there is no soldiers inside and there are only six of them outside. They knew something was wrong. "Well hello boys! May I ask who might you two be? Judging from your face, I never met you before...are you two somehow a thief or an assassin?", the commander greeted the duo after seeing them. Yasui glared at the man while Ranga was thinking what to do. Ranga signalled his friend to attack and Yasui nodded. Both of them rushed and tried to cut his head when he suddenly disappeared that made the boys shocked when they sensed that the man was already behind them. He kicked them and they were sent flying and bumping the wall, "It isn't nice to attack someone when he's just asking questions,boys", Gilbert said in a serious tone looking at the bandits. The way he stared at them made Yasui terrified but Ranga couldn't hold back and attacked the man again attempting to land a punch on him. Yasui didn't bulge and just stared at his leader with a I'm-not-signed-up-for -this look plastered on his face. The commander then grabbed the boy's hands and smacks him onto the floor breaking his nose. Then he walked towards the terrified boy and asked him once again, " Are you a thief or do you got paid to kill the Duke of Archemy?". Yasui didn't say a word. He smelled the blood of his friend and wanted to look if he's fine but was scared that the man might finish him and his friend if he moves. Gilbert got tired of waiting for the boy to answer so he grabbed the duo and tied them in the living room. Meanwhile at the balcony, Akill and Conrad are still facing the deadly foe. 'She can read minds?! That's impossible to believe.Are all mages this strong? ', Akill thought. The girl looked around and stared at Akill,"Not all mages use combat magic. Some of us uses non-combat magic. And also, I believe that the guys hiding in the frontyard and the girl waiting outside is your comrades. Whatever you are planning...I wanted to tell you to give up since your friends who went inside got caught by the commander and is now tied in the living room being interrogated...". The two jumped out shocked at what the girl has told them. 'Now what',Conrad thought while trying to signal Akill to run and save their friends. "You have to give up, I suppose", the girl said. Conrad got fierce, " Will you stop reading minds?! It's creeping me out"."Are you dumb? I don't have the power to stop it so if you don't want your thoughts to be red then stop thinking... "." And how am I suppose to do that?! ", Conrad said with a sarcastic voice. Akill smacked his friend's head to stop him from losing control. They were about to jump of the wall but suddenly a chain got tied to them and got pulled back. " I rushed here after the others caught two trespassers hiding in the frontyard. Did they do something to you, Major Parrish?", a purple-haired man said checking if the girl is hurt then after that, he walked towards the bandits he caught. "I am captain Ambrocius Verweij, from the Garrison squad. You must be the infamous Crimson bandits who cause troubles in this peaceful kingdom".Conrad narrowed his eyes and looked away. " Tch,talking about peace and harmony... typical military soldiers", he mumbled. The two got brought to where the others are. "Conrad! Akill! You got caught too!? ", Prances yelled in frustration. Akill frowned looking at his friends. " How did you two got caught? ", Conrad asked. " Well, what do you know. Ashar farted". Ashar got fierce, "Wha- no I didn't. I would never do something that embarrassing. You must be the one who farted and blaming it on me". One of the soldiers, Arthur raised his hand, " Sorry... That was me. I had eggs at breakfast". His squadmates tried to hold their laugh while the bandits looked at him with a disgusted face. "It looks like the others got caught too", the commander said as he came walking towards the others while holding Sistine. A few minutes later, the interrogation has started. " What do you want with the Duke. I heard that you killed a lot of noble men and dukes. Is the Duke of Archemy one of your targets? ", the commander asked. Ranga clicked his tongue, " Tch, all dukes and nobles are our target especially the ones who have connections to other nobles"."And why is that? "."Why would I answer you? "."Haha! You got some guts kid.I'm starting to like you"."Sorry old man but I'm not gay"."Don't get me wrong. I'm not gay either. I just liked that fiesty personality of yours.Now heading on to the point on what's your intentions of coming here... Duke Johansson is a good guy and has helped a lot of persons especially the military soldiers that's why he was being favored that made the other dukes jealous. There was one time when they attempted to assassination, thankfully I was there to save him. Now I'm wondering why some bandits came here. I was expecting to confront a mage or an assassin but poof! a group of bandits came instead". Ranga glared at him and narrowed his eyes. The Duke then appeared. " Duke Johansson, what are you doing here!? ", Gilbert asked confused. The Duke smiled, " My friend, I wanted to meet my penetrators face to face. Let's hear them out, I think there must have been a reason why they came here". Gilbert nodded with approval, "Do what you like.".Johansson faced Ranga and asked about his plans. Sistine was tired so she had to confess everything making her friends glare at her thinking she's a traitor. "So that's how it is", the Duke said looking at the kids with a pitiful look. "I wanted to help you but what can I do, I don't know any thing about the Azuma tribe. I had many friends but I don't know if one of them is an Azuman,I'm very sorry", he continued. "There's a way to identify them! All Azumans have a moon shaped birthmark in their body", Ashar said with a hopeful voice. The commander chuckled, "Kid, we can't just go and strip them naked just to find a birthmark".Ashar got flustered and hide his face behind Akill's back. Gilbert stared at the bandits for so long until an idea came into his head. He then cleared his throat to make a proposal... "How about joining the military soldiers".The bandits and the soldiers looked at him in disbelief. " Crimson bandits, as the commander of the 47th battalion, I want you to join me in the battlefield and I won't take no as an answer."