2.13.2 Raid

"What is this?" Horrified, he backed off. His drunkenness disappeared in a second as he used a rug from his makeshift home to throw these insects off.

Which didn't work, as more and more insects started to crawl out of the corners of the sewer, surrounding the man. "Help." He cried, but in the sewer, he was all alone.

Causing panic to be written all over his face as he stepped on the insects, rushed toward the sewer entrance.

Though, it was a bit late, as his countless poisonous insects had already bit him, making him lose energy on his way to escape.

Giving the insects an opportunity to climb his body. "H… Help!" He begged, feeling the pain of thousands of insects biting into his flesh, crawling into his body and injecting him with their poison.

But the sewer remained quiet.

Barring a single rat, it crawled out of its hole and looked at the dying man with curious eyes.