2.14.3 It's a trap.

Immortality held allure to everyone. But to the old, it was something they desired the most.

Making them the perfect target for Blue Lotus Recruitment.

Though, their contributions to the group were never direct. In simpler terms, these old people can be considered outer members of the group, who were not even aware of the organization they were part of, most of the time.

But this was done for their own security.

As long as they fulfilled their own given objectives, they might earn the chance to enter the inner circle of Blue Lotus.

Objective as simple as, suppressing certain news in the city, providing information that is hard to obtain through normal means and hiding the origin of the medicine that is being fed to the masses, under the pretext of the plague that had been spreading among the masses.

The best part of it all. No one knew or was aware of what they were doing.

And there was virtually no one present in the city that could stop them.

"Adam disappeared?"