2.30.4 Abomination.

The Knights were slow, much slower than the mages that came to their rescue. It was why they were the ones to leave first. But from the changing of the night sky, one can see that a major fight had already started before their arrival.

But it mattered not, it's good that others were proving themselves useful by taking on the forces of Blue Lotus giving them the chance to go deeper without their enemies noticing.

Yes, Vance had just used the mages as a distraction, although moving slowly. The Knights were still strong as they conserved their stamina. And in just five minutes, they would reach the location as well.

Though, out of nowhere, the heart of every knight in the group stalled for a moment. Causing them to pause and look at each other. "An enemy attack?" One of the Knights wondered. But this Ida was instantly refuted the moment he felt something odd in his heart.