2.31.5 Sweet little lies.

Lies or an act, Adam didn't know what was the truth. But from the simple fact that his head was going to be skewered not too long ago. It proved that his opponent was not a Jester. A guy who focused more on style than efficiency.

Unlike the young man now, who had attacked him like a well-oiled machine.

"Then Farhad, Son of Varkus Maisel. I am going to go." With one eye and an arm that was forsaken by the god. Adam knew that even with the little mana he had collected. The opponent was not someone he could face on his own.

Not to mention the fact that he was facing an undead with regenerative powers. Facing him now would be too much. So, Adam was smart where it mattered. But before he went away, he did say. "But before that, what happened to Jester?"