2: Epilogue-2

It was a well-known fact that the mages from the ancient times have been a feared bunch. In old legends, they never played the part of good guys.

From kidnapping children with talent, using humans in their experiments, and causing magical disasters that rendered countless dead have made the name of Mages bad.

Stories that were not really stories, but events that happened in the past.

And it was only in the last couple of centuries with the arrival of industrialization that the mages opened their door and joined the community.

Opening several colleges throughout the world, but would still never remove the dark history they carried on their back. 

"Actions have consequences, without them, the mages would get too arrogant." The owner of the Wortham Principality spoke, putting Anna down at once.

"All the survivors of the institute will not answer to the military. This includes the students as well."