3.08.1 I narrate.

As Max walked toward Krugal who had lost all his hope at this very second, he asked. "You… If you are here… then who?" Krugal turned to the body that had died under the thunder blast, a body awfully familiar now that he looked at it. 

"Seems you should have learned who it was?" There was no need for an answer, as it was too obvious at this point.

So with a backhand at Krugal's head, Max ripped the heavy armor off of his body and then took him away from the scene before the Police arrived.

As for the burning bastard not too far from him. His body lay on the side, unmoving at this point. Meaning that he had probably died. A good news in Max's eyes.

"Legs go." Those were his last words, before leaving the scene. Which was harder than he had expected. He knew the direction the Sheva was moving and stepped in the same direction as well.