3.09.2 Fight like animal.

Seven fools had just come for my head, for the flame that burned inside me. The flames of my father who died protecting me and the very flames that I had put out as the prize in return for this chance. 

The chance to end that demon once and for all and give my sister a peaceful life. So there was no way I was going to let them succeed. 

"These are not your friends from the government, this is just a normal bullet." Captain Remira announced this to me, letting me know how incomplete the information in front of my would-be assassins should be. 

Meaning they were not sent here from Cynark to recover this flame, but by a third party who only had part of this information. Anyone who has knowledge of my state would know that normal physical attacks were nothing to me. With my inhuman regenerative rate, a physical injury like that won't take much time to regrow.

An edge against them, I must say.