3.11.4 Day is ruined.

Now alone in this world, with no one to ask for or criticize him, Krotal was a free dwarf. He could do anything he wanted as long as he was not found out by the authorities who were still looking for him while having enough in his pocket to sustain him on his future adventures.

The money he was slowly accumulating by working under the mechanic I had recommended him. A shop that was also an adventure for Krotal and he had faced some small mishaps which might have taken a few fingers off of him, if not for the timely rescue of the old man who owned the shop.

But that's all, besides those few instances, his life had mostly been slow. Some might even call it boring.

"Finally, I was getting bored with time." He said while taking his time to reach the station, which was good. With how I timed everything.