3.13.2 A dialog

"You people are relentless," Remira said, holding one of Kareem's men as she eyed him from the distance. "Do you wish to die, like the last group?" She appeared unfazed by the effort of Kareem's group, Tracking Farhad wasn't hard in her eyes, and from the sounds, it was apparent that he was already fighting them on his own.

Meaning only one thing, she would have to cut off his head once again in case he goes berserk like last time.

That was the only thing that fazed her. As the headless Farhad would be a heavy baggage on her back while his head regenerates. 

Of course, it didn't mean she treated Kareem lightly. Her body was burnt and bleeding, the explosions might be weak, but the focused blast she experienced while fighting Kareem had put a huge strain on her body. Not to mention the annoying fly-like bullets and snipers that she had to dodge in case the bullets were a bit weirder than expected.