3.13.5 Farhad's anger.

"Did someone tell you that you talk a lot?" 

"Well in fact, I do spe…" with a slew of sounds, Owl backed off from the attack, looking at Remira with some surprise. "Found me?" He wondered. A total of three Talismans drawn in his hand burst into a white blaze. 

"Three deaths?" He looked toward her, or what he thought was her. 

That was definitely not Remira. She seemed to have ascertained that even if she had the advantage of strength, she still wasn't able to keep up with Owl's speed, nor able to handle his illusive body which was actually jumping in points while leaving a mirage in its wake.

But with enough experience, she was able to find the truth, and knowing that she was limited by her speed, she unlocked a bit of her blood, causing mild changes in her body.

"Miss Drischal, do you know how much effort it took to make these three talismans?... why do you keep doing this? Burning my precious creations?"