3.15.7 Deceive the mind.

Her being here was a surprise to me. I had hoped Max would have met her in the Letzer household, but she stayed hidden, playing tricks from afar and harming the man she once called her father.

Of course, this girl was not his daughter. The only part of Max's daughter that remained here was nothing other than the flesh that covered his homunculi body. Which helped her hide a bit.

So finding her here, next to Ivankov, was a shock to me.

But if this is what fate has intended to happen, let it happen.

She was the sole curse user among the homunculi. Born through a forbidden mix of metal, flesh, and curse. She was one of a kind and probably a prototype of her kind.

From Ivankov's face, it was easy to see how pained he was, letting his master creation leave him just to hold back the intruders, while he himself used a path never mentioned in the files I was given to escape with his sorry life.

As for where? That I didn't know. Nor did I care.