4.04.1 Go wild.

Finding the Doctor in this maze was hard, made worse by the constant enemies that would appear from time to time, trying to hold her down. And in front of it, their numbers kept increasing, becoming stronger and sharper as time went on.

It was as if an old machine was coming to life, getting better with time as it heats up. The Daugrs wear faster and their strike carries stronger force, capable of ripping flesh from bones easily.

 This was Remira at her peak without the need to utilize any blood awakening. She was capable of slaying each Daugrs that came to her and from the looks of it, she was closing in on the bastards, that Doctor.

But before she can finally find their hidden base, a gunshot is heard, startling her. 

'Farhad?' She wondered, before shaking her head. There was someone on her back, probably as a distraction so that she wouldn't get closer to their base. As for Farhad?