4.08.3 The journey.

Remira had run and ran without an end in sight, she moved past the railway tracks, she moved and even reached some villages. But she never found the group.

It would seem they were always on the move, always ahead of her, always aware that she might be close.

Or were they aware of her little trick? Did they have a way to fool the coin? A way to fool the means that she didn't even understand? 

Or is the coin a trap? To fool her into the wrong direction under the behest of her mother to not put her in danger?

No, that was not possible. Her mother was capable of lies, she had seen it firsthand not too long ago and even in her past. But she was not the kind to play such games with her own daughter, no matter how much she worried for her.

Then in her pursuit, she heard something interesting. "A group you say? They came to us for some clothes and food." In one of the villages where the target had left his mark, she finally was able to confirm something.