4.08.5 Scaring the rats.

What were rituals? What was their true purpose? How did they work? Why did they work? How did the ancients learn of such techniques? Did the gods themselves teach them to the mortals? Or is this a mortal knowledge to pray to the gods?

So many unanswered questions and those that were answered were merely assumptions. 

But no matter how nonsensical it might appear to the mages who claimed to be Scholars of the Arcana. It did work, and as long as you fulfill certain requirements, even a mortal can conduct such rituals. 

One of the most common forms of ritual was the sacrificial one. 

"It seems impossible." This tree was too huge and from the small tributes around the tree, it would seem that it was also worshiped by the locals. So cutting such a tree in thirty minutes felt wrong to him.